COSOLA GROUP S.A.C. has a complete Technical Service for topographic and...
9131 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024
Batería de alto rendimiento para configuraciones durante largos períodos, 13 / 250Wh. Requiere GEV242 para cargar. Con la batería GEV277 se puede utilizar como UPS. Peso 2,3 kg.
Artículo: 727 367
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Born on March 9, 2004 as CORPORACION SOL LATINO SAC. or COSOLA SAC., and on October 12, 2015 as COSOLA GROUP SAC, and registered with Electronic Record No. 11657822 in the Public Registries of Lima, Peru.
9131 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024, USA. Phone: (954) 8682926 Follow us on: